Performance, scalability and usability improvements
Scheduled Maintenance Report for GatewayAPI
Everything checks out. Enjoy the new improved, faster and cheaper
Posted May 27, 2016 - 03:48 CEST
APIs, Core Services and Dashboard are now updated. We are still in the process of testing everything and monitoring the results.
The APIs where online for most of the process with only a very short window of downtime, during which (luckily) no API requests was received, so it was a smooth update.
Posted May 27, 2016 - 02:54 CEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted May 27, 2016 - 01:00 CEST
We will be rolling out a series of improvements to These change quite a bit of the inner workings of and will require a short period of API unavailability because the internal data structure must be changed, so all API servers must be offline during the transition.
Both the customer facing APIs and internal services will be getting an up to 10X performance upgrade, obtained through code profiling, connection re-use and C-acceleration of data processing.
On the scalability side we have greatly reduced the amount of data duplication in our APIs, enabling further customer growth without a negative impact on performance.
We're sorry for the last minute notice, however we do not expect any major disruptions during this event and as a precaution we will update the servers during the night.
In addition we will roll out a series of usability improvements to the dashboard, including the ability to save a creditcard for quick payments. This is an important step towards automated payment when you run out of credits, which will be coming soon.
Posted May 26, 2016 - 22:26 CEST